Erik Peralta Løvaas

Hei! My name's Erik

and I'm a Media Informatics student and part-time Creative Developer currently based in Saarbrücken, Germany.

Currently, I'm pursuing a master's degree at the Universität des Saarlandes, collaborating on my thesis with the Sensorimotor Interaction Group at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. My specialization lies within Interactive Systems and Human-Computer Interaction. Before arriving in Saarbrücken, I completed my undergraduate degree in Informatics at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway.

On the side, I also work as a Creative Developer for Plateau Candy, a "studio for emergent digital practices", where I've previously interned. If you want to know what I was doing before that, feel free to check out my resume.

Exploring and analyzing the possible connections between people and the technological objects they choose—or don't choose—to use is what currently motivates me. The topics that most interest me under this vast and vague area are computational creative expression, sense of agency and cognitive load when utilizing digital systems, physical-to-digital mappings using sensor networks, and sustainability in computing.

I also used to volunteer as a journalist for student newspapers. If you speak Norwegian, see if you can find my articles over at Under Dusken and Stoff Magasin. I also love cooking food from all around the world, and enjoy my time off by reading a good book or engaging in creative endeavours when inspiration strikes me.

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